Thursday, April 22, 2010

A text I sent my DH an hour ago

I am grouchy!! :(
Not only did YOUR daughter decide to take off her diaper and smear the contents around HER crib - she gave it to her SISTER who decided to EAT some!!
So, 2 clean girls and no hot water later, I am going to start on the MESS of a crib. Wish me luck.
P.S. Our house stinks.
P.P.S. Guess which daughter was the diaperless one? HINT: I now have pics of ALL our kids with poop smeared all over them and their cribs. Does that make us bad parents?


Anonymous said...

oh what a day! I hope fir your sake that this phase is short lived!

Mark said...

Yikes! That is crazy on so many levels, hang in there!

Terry L said...

Our daughter (3 in Feb) has been doing this a lot lately. We're in the process (for the past year and a half!) of potty training, but so far she has shown little to no interest in even sitting on the toilet.

I came home the other day to poop smeared all over the screen of my TV, all over the ottoman and coffee table, and all over her.

Seriously, where do they get the idea that smearing their poop everywhere is a good idea?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe the other one ate some. I just barfed a little in my mouth....

Mommy mantra..."this too shall pass" (soon, Lord!)

Susan M

Stacey said...

Time for snap diapers!!!

RLE said...

Stacey - that's what we have, I just had forgotten to wash and had run out. Normally they are in them - just frustrates me that the time I do not have them in the Fuzzi Bunz, they are outta their diapers and playing. Oh well, potty training begins in 48 hours! :)