Friday, April 23, 2010

Better day

Hello all! Things got better yesterday. Our neighbor girl and her friend stop by often after school and they cheered me up a bit and then once M came home, we three went out for a "girls night". Luckily with almost 12 year olds the evening doesn't go too late. :) I came home and talked with my good friend for awhile on the phone - it was encouraging.
Today has been better. I had an early morning business meeting in the "deep South" (which in Calgary is the opposite end of the city from us) that was encouraging. My same good friend as last night, who is on my team went with me, went with me and between our conversation and the encouragement from the meeting, today started off well.
Got home and my kiddies all came running to hug and cuddle and I felt LOVE. Yeah for being a mommy!
I have been getting the rest of my items together to sell at the TTMAC sale tomorrow. My shift is tonight from 4-8, so I actually get to go shop tomorrow and come home! Yeah for me. If you are in Calgary, check it out. It is a great place to get things if you are looking for toys, clothes, baby gear, kids books etc. I'll put the "poster" on a post of its own so you can have the information if you are interested.
Anyways, gotta go clean my house a bit before my shift.
(Oh, wanted to clarify from yesterdays post - while my daughter may have stuck some poop in her mouth, I do not think she ate it as there was a lot of drool on her shirt and I think she spit it out because of this fact. Gross I know, and sorry for sharing that much, but the thing that reassures me is that doctors say it will not adversely harm her and I know my kid is not the only one who has done it.)

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