Thursday, November 24, 2011

God is good

"God is good, all the time,
He put a song of praise in this heart of mine,
God is good, all the time,
He put a song of praise in this heart of mine,
God is good, God is good, all the time!"
This was a song I learned in my childhood - not sure if it was a praise chorus or a gospel song that someone like the Gaithers sang, but this morning it is running through my head again and again and I am overwhelmed. I am overwhelmed because for one of the very first times in my life, this simple phrase "God is good" is so real, so impacting to me that I cannot help but praise Him. Again and again and again for everything He is doing in my life. And it is not an emotional I-feel-like-this-is-what-I-should-be-feeling kind of thing, or fake in any way, it is a focus on all the ways that He is blessing me, is blessing my family. It is a awareness of the ways His hand is working in our lives - in the small things and the big things. He is working, He is moving, He is blessing. So much, in fact, that I cannot help but "shout it from the rooftops" - or in this case, blog it. :) I have not had the desire in over a year to write on this blog, but this morning I could not help but write. My children are getting themselves out of bed and starting to move around as I type, so I most likely will not be writing much longer, but I definitely needed to write this this morning. Get it out there and share. Maybe someone else needs it, I don't know, but if it is you reading this who needs to hear, God is good, all the time. He works situations and circumstances so that you can know Him better. He wants to bless you, He wants to hear from you, He loved you before the world began, before man fell, before He did everything He could to save us, before Jesus came to the earth as a baby that we will be celebrating this next month - it's always been my favorite time of year, but I think I am getting to the point that Easter, Easter is going to be my favorite, because before He died on that cross, He thought of me. My name was on His lips when He asked God to forgive them. YOUR name was on His lips. He loves you and He wants to hear from you! Isn't that cool? The God of the universe, the Creator of all things, wants to hear, from ME! He wants to hear from YOU. He loves me, He loves YOU. Now, before this starts sounding like a kid's book or Dr. Suess, just know that His love for us is incredible. And what this awesome Person wants most of all is to be in a relationship with me and with you. Amazing!
In my journal this morning all I could write about was thank you. Thank you, God, for all the things you have given me. And there are so many that I just scratched the surface. It was like He opened my eyes to all the many things, from little tiny things to deeper ways that He was working in my life and my family's life.
Thank you, God! You ARE good, all the time!


Cynthia Marie said...

Yes God is good, and you are so good to remind us. "You are so good to remind us". that is my favorite line from Little Women, the movie. Because it is in a rush of revelation that we are moved to testify as you have. It is when the spirit is so close we feel the breath of God and are so moved to share with all. Thank You blessed woman of God.

Ganesan Visvanathan said...

May god bless you and your family my friend. You have a nice blog, keep on writing.

Unknown said...

You have posted such a good message here. I hope you will not mind but I am going to put it on my timeline at facebook. I will let them know that these were your words, not mine. I wish they were my words...I will accept them as a gift from you.
Thank You. Diane. If you ever get on facebook again look me up, I am Diane King from Centerville, TN.