Sunday, August 14, 2011

Catching up...

Goodness it has been awhile since I posted on this blog. So much has happened since the last time! BIG stuff too, really big stuff. Life changing stuff.
First, we are moving. Well, I guess that wasn't the first thing that happened or the catalyst even for all of the change. What was the start of it all was a holy discontent that my husband has never been able to shake to be a part of the leadership in the local church which we honestly believe IS the hope of the world, God's hope for the world. So we have been praying and searching, applying, interviewing and waiting. Then candidating and praying and talking and praying some more. And God IS faithful, and He will never leave us. He made a way for us. (Sorry the cliches, Hillsong's "God is Able" is running through my head) My DH will be a pastor once again. We are going to be ministering at a church in a large town/small city in the greater area of the city in which we currently live. The awesome part - well, besides the destination of the journey that God has brought us on and the church we will be in itself - is that it is only 25 minutes from my family. Woo woo!
So my DH will be the Community Life pastor at this church - it is a bigger church that is trying to do multi-site. Sound familiar to anyone? When we moved here M came to be the Community Life pastor at the church. And the church ours moved with is multi-site. Seems like God is bringing some things together, hey?
Our summer has been INSANE. I think the longest all of us have been at home together in a given stretch wince the May Long weekend is 4 days. Between camping, a trip to MB for the wedding of a very special lady to the love of her life, a trip to the coast to see M's family and a work convention in Minneapolis for me, it has been a little INSANE! And we bought a house while we were at M's parents place.
So now we are getting close to the move date - we get possession on FRIDAY!! And the move is scheduled for the 27th. So much to do between now and then. It's crazy how nuts our life is right now.
THe only fly in the ointment is our current house has not sold yet. And I am stressed about it. I have a post that I wrote this morning that will go "live" right after this which was an "ah-ha" moment for me this morning. And as M just reminded me - God hasn't brought us this far to leave us hanging. To not help us figure everything out. I need to trust. And be thankful.
So now you are caught up....

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