Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Breaking the silence

It's been forever since I posted here and even longer since I wrote anything. Kind of ironic that on a Wednesday - "Wordless Wednesday" - I choose to break the "silence" with a post, with words. :)
I was writing a friend last night and got going and when I was finally done, I looked at what I wrote and thought, "hey, that would be a good blog post!" So here it is... I added in a bit to make it flow better.
Life has been a little insane and crazy at our house. We are good here, life is a little up in the air and that makes it stressful at times, but all in all we are good. Kids are growing too fast, but you know all about that. R is becoming a little man and has been a little challenging lately with some talking back - we are trying to nip that in the bud. K also has an independent streak a mile wide with a mind of her own. :) And little Miss A can be stubborn as well. But no one said parenting wouldn't be a challenge. They are also the ones who bring me the most joy and happiness from just looking at me and grinning, or taking my hand, or wrapping their arms around my neck and squeezing til I can't breath. And they are the ones that cause my heart to skip a beat when they come running after I have been away, even for 10 minutes yelling "Mommy, Mommy!" They are also the ones who I see in the morning and just missed them all night. And the ones who I laugh at when they say cute things or do silly little antics. Yeah, I love being their mom.
I have slipped into a couple of weeks of depression after the May Long, seems like nothing I did was worth anything or getting me anywhere, showing any progress or "fruit" for my efforts whatsoever. But Monday I got out for a coffee and spent some time just journaling - in a book :) - haven't done that in awhile! Well, got a few things figured out and chose to be less self focused and think more about others and my family in particular. The words I wrote last night encouraged me, because I was feeling everything but loving being a mom. I have started reading 3-2-1 Magic - a parenting book that two different friends have recommended to me. I am in sore need of something and am looking forward to an even better relationship with my kids.
Probably doesn't hurt as well that I have gotten back into exercising in the past week and the endorphins are doing good things to my brain. :)
Well, the household stuff is calling. We'll see when I post again. :)


Heather M. said...

It's so good to see you posting on your blog again. Motherhood is such a hard thing. I find myself relating to so much of what you wrote. Hugs!

Jobina said...

So glad to read a post on your blog again! I was going to say the same thing as Heather, I was reading your post going, "umhmm" and "yup, me too" and "oh, I've done that!", and "I have that book" . Big hugs Rayna! Motherhood is the most challenging thing EVER and definitely not for the faint of heart. We constantly need to be refocusing ourselves, balancing everything and taking time out to reflect. I've gone out for coffee with myself countless times and always I come back home with a better perspective than when I left.

RLE said...

See, this is why I started blogging in the first place - why did I stop? Oh right, life got overwhelming and there was no time. :)