Thursday, June 3, 2010

My First Run...a Great Cause

Over the past year I have been trying to be more aware - of myself and of the world in which we live. I have mentioned before on this blog about human trafficking and as a result of that day that I posted about in January I started a class at my Thursday ladies morning out that was called "Stopping Traffick". Until this year I really didn't know how prevalent in our world human trafficking was. Did you know that human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal industry in the world? That the revenue for trafficking is somewhere between $5 and 9 billion USD per year (no one knows for sure as it is criminal activity, but that is the estimate)? Did you know that YOU can do something about it? That was the focus of the class that I was in - that we did not have to get sucked into the hopelessness of the situation. WE can do something, little things in our daily lives, big things if that is what we feel called to.
One thing that I have decided I CAN do is participate in a run on June 12th that is to bring awareness to this issue as well as raise money for organizations that work with people who have either been rescued from trafficking or people who are in danger of being trafficked. This ties into my being more aware of myself as I have begun to take better care of my body, as a result I now run. This will be my first run! The run is being organized by some friends of ours for a project their church is doing and all the money that is raised will go to 5 different local and international organizations - you can go here to check the projects out - like I said before, all the organizations either work with people who have been enslaved and rescued or works with people in danger of being trafficked to prevent it.
If I have made you uncomfortable, I know exactly how you feel and I have to keep telling myself that there is a reason for it - slavery of any kind is wrong. But we cannot stick our heads in the sand, WE have a chance to be modern day abolitionists. And if we join together, if we commit to learning what we can do, to supporting those who are working to end human trafficking, we CAN see the end to this. To that end I would like to accomplish two things with this run: Bring awareness to this subject and raise money to help the organizations working to fight it.
I don't ever use my blog for something like this, but if you would like to sponsor me in this event please let me know so I can arrange a tax receipt for you. Any donations of $10 or more will be issued a charitable tax receipt.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Rayna, can you send me the link or info about how to donate to the cause? I am wholeheartedly willing to support you in this! Good job! Love the blog, by the way- it's a nice way to keep up with friends from long ago. :)