Saturday, March 27, 2010


You know those Facebook statuses that you copy and paste... well, I saw once yesterday that I had to repost and then needed to add to:
"I am a cook, a housekeeper, a parent, a teacher, a referee, a nanny, a nurse, a handy man, security, and a comforter. I don't get holidays, sick pay, or a days off, I work through the day and some of the night, I am under paid and over worked. Now tell me that YOUR job is harder then mine. (Repost this if you're a mom)"
In the comment section I put this:
"I wanted to add to this - I get hugs from little arms, kisses at any time of the day, grins covered in different colors from crafts. I get soft little bodies that are heavy against you after a good cry and during a reading of a good book. Now tell me that YOUR job is better than mine. :)"
I am privileged enough to be able to stay at home with my kids, see them grow and help them learn so much and be able to witness that, that my husband is committed to me being home with our kids, that I was able to find a job that would let me work from home, around my families schedule, with a company that cares about families. That I am able to not only help my families health, but help other people make their homes and families healthier too.
Yeah for being a stay-at-home mom!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that! Got a wonderful package with your return address on it, thank you!!!! Such cute and appreciated things in there!
- Jobina